nonprotein nitrogen

  • n.非蛋白(质)氮
nonprotein nitrogennonprotein nitrogen
  1. The utilization of nonprotein nitrogen by rabbits : a literature review


  2. Effects of Added Nonprotein Nitrogen on Microbial Protein Synthesis in Rumen of Buffalo


  3. A Study on the Effect of Nonprotein Nitrogen on the Growth of Single-cell-protein-producing Strains


  4. Application of nonprotein nitrogen in poultry diets


  5. Studies on activity of enzymes related to rumen nitrogen metabolism on the diets containing nonprotein nitrogen and formaldehyde-treated protein


  6. The effect of nonprotein nitrogen on the growth of strains that can produce single cell protein in sweet potato waste is studied in this paper .


  7. This literature presents the nonprotein nitrogen forage additive prepared by isobutyraldehyde and urea throughcondensation reaction under acidic condition .


  8. Through to ruminant livestock nutrition physiology the understanding , elaborated how enhances the feed protein and the nonprotein nitrogen in ruminant livestock production the use efficiency .


  9. There were abnormal change of the different degrees and kinds in 80 patients , among them proteinuria was found only in 40 patients , and the retention of nonprotein nitrogen in 11 ones .


  10. Results : The content of protein , myofibril protein and myosinogen gradually descend , and nonprotein nitrogen ( NPN ) gradually increase along with the extend of fermented time .


  11. Monosodium glutamate wastewater ( MSG-wastewater ) which is wastewater in the process of production of MSG , is a rich source of nonprotein nitrogen , if direct emissions not only caused environmental pollution , and waste of resources .


  12. The Hydroxymethyl-urea is a new type of nonprotein - nitrogen , feed additive , which contains 39-41 % of nitrogen .
